- Senator Tokunbo Ogunbanjo – Chairman
- Otunba Ayodeji Osibogun– Vice Chairman
- Mr Kunle Osuntokun
- Alhaji Olalekan Ajia
- Bisi Sowunmi
- Chief Mrs Ronke Okusanya
- Mr Maxwell Adeleye
- Mr Tayo Douglas – Board Secretary
- President – Otunba ‘Deji Osibogun
- Vice President – Chief Mrs. Ronke OKusanya
- Secretary-General – Akogun Kola Onadipe
- Head, Legal Affairs – Mr. Tayo Douglas Esq.
- Head, Finance and Investment – Mr. Olakunle Osuntokun
- Head, Research, Media & Publicity – Mr. Demola Sanyaolu
- Head, Business Development – Otunba Tope Ogunnowo
- Head, Culture & Values Orientation – Sen Tokunbo Ogunbanjo
- Head, Agriculture and Food Production – Alhaji Olalekan Ajia
- Deputy Head, Culture/Value Orientation – Erelu Kemi Wellington – Ebo
- Head, Security and Intelligence – Brig. Gen Ayo Vaughan (Rtd).
- Head, Agriculture and Food Production – Alhaji Olalekan Ajia
- Head, Youth and Students – Bashorun Kunle Ogunmola
- Europe and United Kingdom Chapter – Mr. Olalere Olaide-Chairman
- United States of America Chapter – Dr. Lanre Babalola-Chairman
- Adeshina Fagbenro-Byron – Chairman
- Bisi Sowunmi – Vice Chairman
- Elder Otunba Wale Shadare – Member
- Tunde Fatunde – Member
- Chief Dolapo Balogun – Member
- Dr Yemi Farounbi– Member
- Akin Fapohunda – Member
- Femi Olufunmilade – Member
- Ms Funke Benson – Secretary
Yoruba Koya Leadership and Training Foundation, hereinafter referred to as YKLTF is a Socio-Cultural and Development initiative of Yoruba people being an ethnic group that inhabits western Africa, mainly Nigeria, Benin, Togo and part of Ghana. YKM has a vision to institute in perpetuity, Life More Abundant for the Yoruba People wherever they may be. Our Mission is to support the achievement of Safety, Security and Prosperity of Yoruba Lives, Yoruba Lands and Yoruba Livelihoods.
The conduct of YKLTF shall be based on the interdependent attributes, behaviors and characteristics that demonstrate and exhibit the inherent virtue and value in Yoruba People, according to Yoruba culture SUBJECT TO the OMOLUABI ethos of moral conduct, good judgment, equity and good conscience. These attributes and fundamental principles of OMOLUABI are as follows:
2.1. Oro Siso – This is the Spoken word. The Yoruba accord great respect for intelligent and expert use of language. The use of appropriate language aligns with good communication while profanity, excessive slang or other crude or vulgar language is diminishing o good character.
2.2. Iteriba – This is an attitude of Respect including the respect of oneself and of others demonstrated by politeness and well-mannered conduct in every situation.
2.3. Inu Rere – This is good faith and will, having a good mind towards others. Goodwill is an intangible asset that is associated with the tendency to be helpful, friendly and cooperative and with a sincere intention to deal honestly and fairly with all men.
2.4. Otito – The respect for and elaboration of truth over falsehood without which we live in darkness.
2.5. Iwa – This is positive personal character including the mental and moral qualities distinctive to us as individuals.
2.6. Akinkanju – This is the principle that requires demonstrating Bravery, courage, valiance, fearlessness, gallantry and confidence bearing in the face of difficulties or dangers.
2.7. Ise – This is hard work as panacea to poverty and measure o strength of character which drives us to work with energy ,commitment and diligence.
2.8. Opolo Pipe– This is Intelligence being the ability to acquire knowledge and skills, the ability to learn and understand and he ability to apply knowledge and information to influence one’s environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria or the purposes of finding solutions.
In addition to the guidance that these principles offer, the YKLTF and its members and office holders shall embrace and abide by the highest standards of Integrity,
Objectivity, Professional competence, Confidentiality, Professional behavior and Dignified Inclusion.
Interdependent Principles of Omoluabi
The following Code of Conduct have adopted is hereby adopted for all Members of YKLTF, which is intended to provide guidance on ethical standards in connection with, or having a bearing on, their status and responsibilities as registered members of the organization.
4.1. ALL member shall at all times and in the cause of general or special meetings use of appropriate language aligns with good communication. Profanity, excessive slang or other crude or vulgar language is unacceptable within YKLTF.
4.2. All members shall exhibit respect of oneself and of others, regardless of age or sex demonstrated by politeness and well-mannered conduct in every situation.
4.3. All members shall demonstrate good will towards others, and nurture same as an intangible asset that is associated with the tendency to be helpful, friendly and
cooperative and with a sincere intention to deal honestly and fairly with all men.
4.4. All members shall abide by truth without which we live in darkness.
4.5. Each member shall seek to demonstrate good mental and moral qualities as their distinctive character.
4.6. Members shall require to demonstrate bravery, courage, valiance, fearlessness, gallantry and confident bearing in the face of difficulties or dangers.
4.7. All members shall demonstrate a willingness to work with energy, diligence and commitment in whatever task voluntarily undertaken.
4.8. All members shall exhibit ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills to influence their environment, to learn and understand as well as to think abstractly for the purposes of finding solutions.
The following Code of Conduct is hereby adopted specifically for The Members of the Executive Council YKLTF, as well as Board of Trustees and is intended to provide
guidance on ethical conduct and standards in connection with, or having a bearing on, their status and responsibilities.
5.1. The standards set out in this Code also apply to Advisors and anyone who performs their functions under the authority of the Trustees or Executive Members. Other persons who may from time to time be designated as Temporary or Alternates shall also be subject to the provisions of this Code on the same basis as Members of the Executive Committee or Board of Trustees.
5.2. Executive Members shall observe the general Code of Conduct of all members’ to the highest standards of ethical conduct.
5.3. In the performance of their duties, Executive Members shall carry out the mandate of YKLTF to the best of their ability and judgment, and to maintain the highest standards of integrity. In their conduct outside the workplace, they should also ensure that they observe local laws so as not to be perceived as abusing the privileges and immunities conferred through whatever other offices such an individual may occupy.
5.4. Executive members shall treat their colleagues and the staff with courtesy and respect, without harassment, physical or verbal abuse. With respect to harassment and discrimination, since the standards applicable to YKLTF members represent the highest standards of ethical conduct in these areas, those standards shall also apply to Executive Directors.
5.5. Executive members shall not allow personal relationships or considerations, including bias or favoritism, to influence the performance of their official duties and they should avoid situations that create a conflict of interest. Close personal relationships between any Executive and any other member or Trustee may result in a conflicts of interests, and members of the Board should be aware of these risks before entering into such relationships or taking decisions on matters involving those they may have such relationships with. Where such situations do arise, the Executive members shall disclose to his colleagues and the Trustees and shall recuse himself or herself from the decision to be taken.
5.6. Executive Members shall exercise adequate control and supervision over matters for which they are individually responsible.
5.7. Executive Members shall ensure that YKLTF property and services are used by themselves and persons in their offices for official business only.
5.8. All Executive Members have the responsibility to protect the security of any confidential information provided to, or generated by, YKLTF.
5.9. All Executive members, when making public statements or speaking to the media on YKM-related matters, shall make clear whether they are speaking in their own name or on behalf of the Executive Board.
5.10. All Executive members in performing their duties, shall carry out their responsibilities to the exclusion of any personal advantage.
5.11. Executive Members shall avoid any situation involving a conflict, or the appearance of a conflict, between their personal interests and the performance of their official duties. If such a conflict arises, Executive Directors should promptly inform the Ethics Committee and withdraw from participation in decision-making connected with the matter. If the conflict is potential rather than actual, Executive Directors should seek the advice of the Ethics Committee about whether they should recuse themselves from the situation that is creating the conflict or the appearance of conflict.
5.12. Executive Members shall not use, or disclose to others, confidential information to which they have access, for purposes of carrying out private financial transactions. Because of the Fund’s role in exchange rate surveillance, Executive Directors should not engage in short-term trading (i.e., a combination of buying and selling within six months) in gold, foreign currencies, and closely related financial instruments, for speculative purposes. For this purpose, the term “combination” does not include one-way transactions, such as the selling or buying of foreign exchange for household expenses, education or travel expenses.
5.13. Executive Members shall make written disclosure to a Trustee selected by the Executive Board of any financial or business interests of their own or their immediate
family members. Until the extent and manner of this disclosure are determined by the Executive Board, the rules governing disclosure by YKLTF shall apply. The compliance officer shall bring any unresolved concerns regarding a conflict of interest between an Executive Members and the performance of YKLTF duties to the attention of the Ethics Committee of the Board.
5.14. In regard to acceptance of favors, gifts and entertainment, Executive Members shall exercise tact and judgment to avoid the appearance of improper influence on the performance of their official duties. The ordinary courtesies of appreciation and diplomacy may be accepted, but substantial and unusual gifts, favors and entertainment, as well as loans and other services of significant monetary value, should not be accepted.
5.15. Executive Members who vacate office or who leave the YKLTF shall not use or disclose confidential information known to them by reason of their service with the YKLTF, and shall not contact Executive members or other YKLTF officials (other than through official channels) to obtain confidential information.
6.1. All members of YKLTF without exception shall resolve all dispute arising out of or relating to their membership or functions in the YKLTF within the YKLTF structure PROVIDED that this provision shall not affect the rights of the association under article 8.4 of this code.
6.2. It is also the responsibility of all members to uphold the Codes set out in this document and any concerns regarding the breach of these codes shall be sent as a
complaint to e.g (suggested only currently) which shall be an internal complaints feedback mechanism.
6.3. In any matter that causes dispute, difference or controversy between members of YKLTF not being a breach of the Code shall be resolved by negotiation as provided herein within 14 days after delivery of the initial notice by word of mouth, text message or any other means of one of the parties to the other the part. If the dispute or difference is not resolved within 14 days, either party shall lay a formal Complaint in Writing before the Board of Trustees who shall appoint a 3 man committee made up of registered members, (not holding any formal office within the YKLTF) to hear the matter and advise on terms of resolution.
6.4. Where anyone, not being a member of the Board of Trustees is accused of breaching any of the Codes contained herein, such a member shall submit themselves to a Case Disciplinary Committee/ Disciplinary Panel, made up of 6 members selected on a case by case basis and joined by a member of the Board Trustees who shall chair
the committee and make it 7 in number. The CDC membership shall be selected as follows: 1 persons representing the accused who shall be a qualified Legal Practitioner, 5 nominees of ordinary members with not more than 2 nominees from the same state and 1 member representing the board of trustees who shall be
Chairman of the CDC.
6.5. The CDC shall have the authority to recommend sanction for the breaches of the Code of Conduct.
6.6. In the event that the party affected by sanction is in disagreement with the outcome of the CDC decision, such a member or officer will have the liberty to make a formal appeal to the Board and Trustee and Advisory Council within 21 days, or an amendment, setting aside or otherwise review the sanctions so mete out.
As an accompaniment of the draft Code of Ethics of YKLTF, sanctions are required in the event of violation of acceptable standard of conduct by any member of the
association. In this connection, the under listed Methods of Discipline and Forms of Punishments, each to be discretionarily applied based on the weight of misconduct,
are hereby proposed for consideration.
Methods of Discipline
7.1. Verbal Reprimand: This entails the engagement, by the president of the association or his proxy, of an erring member in a verbal expression of disapproval and, where applicable, strong directive to make amends.
7.2. Letter of Warning: This is a formal letter written by the president to an erring member, stating his offence, with a directive for amends to be made, where applicable, or to warn of stiffer penalties in the event of repeat of the offence at issue.
7.3. Disciplinary Panel: This is an ad hoc committee that will be constituted by the president, comprising a minimum of three members, when there is enough evidence that a grave offence has been committed, to conduct an inquisition into a case of misconduct and recommend appropriate sanctions.
7.4. Disciplinary Assembly: This is a Panel of the whole body of the association convened to discuss a weighty infraction by a member of the Exco of the association. The Assembly may elect to constitute a smaller Disciplinary Panel with a minimum of three members to inquire into the case, prescribe appropriate sanction, and report to the Assembly for final action. A majority vote will be required to uphold or reject the recommendation or modify it.
8.1. Verbal Reprimand OR Letter of Warning: This is not being repetitive in view of the foregoing. It should be noted that a Verbal Reprimand or Letter of Warning are a form of punishment because they would normally be invoked when it is apparent to all right thinking people that those upon whom they are applied, as the case may be, have erred. Reprimanding a self-respecting adult or writing him a warning is a punishment.
However, in a situation where a CDC /Disciplinary Panel or a Disciplinary Assembly is convened to look into a case of gross misconduct and the offending member is
found to be guilty as alleged stiffer penalties would be warranted in the form of the under listed:
8.2. Suspension: This is when a member is temporarily exited from all the rights, privileges, and obligations of membership, including holding an office and participation in association activities, for a period which may range from one month to a year, depending on the wisdom of the adjudicators with due cognizance taken of the offence at issue.
8.3. Expulsion: This shall apply when an offence is adjudged so grievous as to bring disrepute and other forms of injury to the association and its members e.g.
embezzlement, proven case of involvement in criminal activities or shameful civil misconduct in the public domain, and misrepresentation of the association in business
transaction or any other unauthorized liaison with external bodies or individuals for selfish purpose(s).
8.4. Litigation: The association may seek legal redress against a member who has committed an act seriously injurious to the association as to imperil its survival after every other method of discipline has been exhausted without result.
MISSION: The Yoruba Ko’ya Leadership and Training Foundation is a non-partisan pan-Yoruba socio-cultural group committed to training and empowering Yoruba men and women, especially the youths, to be self-sufficient through agriculture and food production, vocational training, technological and knowledge-based entrepreneurship for the political, economic, social and cultural development of Yorubaland. We are committed to the Omoluwabi ethical values of a life of community service, self awareness, self and mutual respect, thought before action, honesty, dignity and unity of action.
Belief in the stated mission and promotion of these Omoluwabi ethical values are the basic requirements for engagement with and participation on this platform.
Consequently, members agree to:
1. Focus on the Mission and Mandate of the YKLTF, its projects and progress.
2. Promote the independence, security and well-being of the Yoruba nation
3. Celebrate the achievements of Yoruba sons and daughters and of the Yoruba nation, but devoid of partisanship.
4. Respect the non-partisan non-religious pan-Yoruba character of YKLTF by keeping partisan politics, religious evangelism and divisiveness out of this forum.
5. Respect the laws of the land forbidding publication of false statements, incitement to violence, crime and pornography.
6. Keep hate-driven grossly offensive writings, speeches, pictures, drawings and videos out of this platform.
7. Discuss issues and events rationally and with respect for others of opposing views, avoiding insulting, bullying or threatening language of any kind.
8. Keep clutter out of the forum: lurid jokes, gory stories, greetings that can be done person to person such as Good Mornings; Friday, Sunday, first day and end of the month greetings and festival greetings (An Administrator will issue appropriate Greetings at major religious festivities)
Administrators are to mark breaches of the Rules of Engagement ❌❌❌ as soon as noticed but privately to the offender.
Breaches of the Rules of Engagement will, in the first instance, be politely and privately communicated to the offender, marked ❌❌❌ by an Administrator, with a request to “ Delete for Everyone” within 30 minutes of posting . However should the offending post not be withdrawn or an apology offered if it cannot be withdrawn, the offender will be issued a public warning on the platform with the posting marked ❌❌❌
A second-time offender will be warned on the platform and then quietly suspended for two weeks.
A third-time offender will be warned on the platform and then quietly suspended for two months.
A serial offender will be permanently removed from the platform upon the deliberations and majority decision of Administrators.
Yoruba Ko’ya Leadership and Training Foundation – Empower & Liberate!