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The Yoruba Ko’ya Leadership and Training Foundation (YKLTF), formerly known as Yoruba Ko’ya Movement, is to be a lodestar for the social and economic liberation of Yoruba people in Agriculture, Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship and related fields.

The mission is to empower Yoruba people in Nigeria to achieve socio-economic, cultural & Political independence.

YKLTF aim to inspire and empower Yorubas with an entrepreneurial spirit in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, Agro-processing, and Agro Marketing. And are committed towards the rejuvenation of Yoruba culture, norms, beliefs and traditions.

The YKLTF serves as a resource for funding, training, and marketing cooperative for farmers, entrepreneurs, agro-processors, marketers, and vocational members.

The Foundation’s Entrepreneurship spirits of members as volunteers on Agriculture, Agro Processing and Agro Marketing has been developed to consist of four independent Teams. Each team is headed by a department head:

  1. The Green Team – Agricultural and Food Production – crops and animal husbandry.
  2. The Black Team (Vocational Skills Acquisition – Shoe making, tailoring, fashion design, beauty therapy, etc), Marketing Board, etc.
  3. The Red Team – Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship (Information and Communication Technology, Digital Media Marketing, Solar Energy Technology, Robotics, Drones, Logistics Management Equipment, Machinery, Tools Fabrication, etc).
  4. The Blue Team – Cultural Revival, Outreach, and promotion.